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Planning – Application Map

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94252/VAR/18 | Application for variation of condition 2 of planning permission 86989/FUL/15 (Demolition of former YWCA Hostel and redevelopment of site with 34 apartments and 6 mews houses, with associated car parking and landscaping) to increase height of apartments by 730mm (Block A) and 655mm (Block B); extend basement parking area, amend parking layout and re-position entrance ramp; re-position mews houses 1.5m further away from the St John's Court boundary; re-position apartments up to 400mm towards the Ashley Road boundary and 700mm towards the St John's Road boundary, part of west elevation 400mm towards the St John's Court boundary and part 150mm away from the boundary, south elevation 275mm away from the Littlemere Court boundary; provision of basement escape stairs; alterations to dormer windows and rainwater pipes. | Alexandra House 80 St Johns Road Altrincham WA14 2LZ

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