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86661/VAR/15 | Variation of conditions 4 (approved plans), 7 (landscaping), 12 (car parking), 13 (coach pick up/ hackney carriages), 14 (site investigation), 15(permanence of ice rink), 19 (car parking management and servicing strategy), 20 (off-site highway works) and 21 (archaeological investigation) from planning permission 81115/O/13 (Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a mixed-use development comprising:- alterations and extensions to the existing Altrincham Ice Rink to form a new foyer and new self-supporting roof structure; leisure uses including a new leisure centre and bowling alley (use class D2); residential (use class C3); offices and management suite (use class B1); food and non-food retail (use class A1); restaurants and cafes (use class A3); drinking establishments (use class A4); and hot food establishments (use class A5); the permanent retention of the ice rink and associated car parking, plant and service areas, highway alterations and the creation of new areas of public realm.) and an additional condition all in order to facilitate the development in a phased manner. | Land At Oakfield Road/Moss Lane Altrincham WA15 8EP

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